Επιλογή Σελίδας

Earth Hour is a worldwide grassroots campaign aiming to unite people in protecting the planet. It began as a simple lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007 and has since spread throughout the world with the participation of 162 countries.
Among the 8760 hours of the year we only dedicate one hour for our planet in order to convey across humanity the message that action is needed to protect the planet. During this hour, we all switch-off lights symbolically to send a message to world leaders that they must take serious decisions to protect humankind from climate change.

Earth Hour 2015 will be held on Saturday 28th March, from 8:30PM to 9:30PM. Every action matters for our planet. The message we are sending this year worldwide is “Use your power to change climate change”! The Cyprus Green Party and the Young Cyprus Greens hold the coordinating role in the events that take place in Cyprus.

Alexia Sakadaki
Campaign Coordinator
“Earth Hour” Cyprus